
Sequelize : How to manage DB

I was aware of these ORM solutions(or frameworks), and heard about them from various engineers, which basically was an anthem. It is obvious Object-relational mapping makes Object oriented programming much easier(as it’s name is self-explanatory), and also makes us to get rid of awful SQLs out of codes.

But then, why didn’t I use it yet? That may have various answers, but generally having an ORM framework means another application on the go, and that kind of luxury was not my choice to take. In a sense of the cost of maintenance, resource, and the time to dig this thing about to make it work was not in my career.

But I got a full-stack coding challenge from anonymous, and I just thought: ‘If I’m building a completely new application, why don’t I take this chance to try ORM?’. That’s how I met and started with Sequelize. I can’t review a whole scale but YES it was an amazing experience.

Tips from experience

Sequelize is Node based application. Which is a very good start, because you just need to execute only npm command to use this ORM platform. (First problem of maintenance solved)

npm install sequelize sequelize-cli

First tip: It is okay to install it on global, but try to manage it locally. I never found sequelize too heavy to seperate it as different container from the application.


When I use database, first thing I do is create a database and tables. Assuming that you have all the data structure decided, try to use sequelize cli commands to build models, migrations from preset, and fix it as a code.

node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli init

With init command, you create sequelize’s default directories where every pre-definition of databases, tables, and datas will be stored. If you use database directly, you should arrage DB connections, create DB and table schemes and insert few datas with code. Which means that you should start writing Query before any scripts.

With sequelize, you can forget about those specifications from database engines. You can use few CLI commands to declare schemes and then fix the preset easily.

node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:generate --name Reviews --attributes reviewer_id:integer,reviewee_id:integer,score:integer

For example, I just generated a table called Reviews, which has 3 parameters. Sequelize automatically adds 3 other essential attributes: id, createdAt and modifiedAt. You’ll have created definition on migrations’ directory that uses sequelize’s function ‘createTables’ to create table on connected database.

How does sequelize use database

After you init sequelize, you’ll have another directory called config, which contains each database information of several environments:

  "development": {
    "dialect": "sqlite",
    "storage": "../data.sqlite3"
  "test": {
    "dialect": "sqlite",
    "storage": "../data.sqlite3"
  "production": {
    "dialect": "sqlite",
    "storage": "../data.sqlite3"

As I tried to make this project portable, I decided to use sqlite3, and store datas in file (so I can archive it). This configuration is the most simple one, but the concept is similar to each one. If you have local database, you should write access information so Sequelize can access to your database and execute refined query from your application.

Before you query anything, your scheme might need any foreign keys or indexes to get better performance. What you have to do is edit model file which has all the scheme in script:

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Reviews = sequelize.define('Reviews', {
    reviewer_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    reviewee_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    score: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    comment: DataTypes.STRING
  }, {});
  Reviews.associate = function(models) {
    Reviews.belongsTo(models.Users, {as: 'reviewee', foreignKey: 'reviewee_id'});
    Reviews.belongsTo(models.Users, {as: 'reviewer', foreignKey: 'reviewer_id'});
  return Reviews;

This is the code from models/reviews.js, which is created automatically with CLI command. I just added new field such as comment, and foreign keys for select join query. As sequelize’s code is 100% written in JS, It is much easier for broad engineers who has less experience with DB Queries (or, any unfamiliar DB engine).

Let’s dive into queries

For this server instance, I used express to execute queries in REST API. To skip unnecessary explanations, I share simple API to show you how sequelize communicate with Database:

  const db = require("./database/models")

  app.get( "/reviews/reviewer/:id", (req, res) =>
      where: {
        reviewer_id: req.params.id
      include: {
        model: db.Users,
        as: 'reviewee'
      (result) => res.json(result)
    ).catch( (msg) => {
      return res.status(422).send(msg);

const db has loaded whole database object from sequelize. Since then, you’re ready to execute sequelize commands to use queries like any javascript. findAll is the typical SELECT FROM query and it works with where and include statements.

Sequelize returns executed result into Promise object, so if any error occurs, you just can use .then .catch .finally grammar to deal with any incident. Once again, sequelize made Database so JS-native application.


If you’re tired of reading a unethically long queries, try it. It is really worthy.